Healing Retreats


We, the ISLOVE family of healing, guidance, comfort, and LOVE come from all walks of life and interweavings of cultural identity and diversity. Our techniques are founded in our Afro, European, and Indigenous lineages, and we utilize the traditional teachings of our ancestors and Mother Earth (Pachamama) to facilitate our unique retreat experiences. 

We are survivors who were blessed enough to experience life changing, evolutionary healing in body, mind, spirit, and soul by embracing the medicine of plants on our own personal journey to freedom and ascension. We, as a collective, have healed from cancer, trauma, violence, abuse, addiction, depression, grief, despair, abandonment, betrayal, divorce, and closed hearts with the aid of plant medicines. 

We believe that the Spirit Ancestors within the plants themselves, in combination with your own ability to heal yourself, (as the perfect collective oneness embodiment of CREATOR within, through, and throughout all existence) are the only tools needed. YOU are your own guru. We are your support to unveil that truth. With guidance, care, and understanding we can together find the necessary roads of discovery to access your balance, perspectives, harmony, and transformation. Finding peace, clarity, balance, and vision has charted the course of resolve, resilience, faith, love, and success in our lives. 

We want to share the wealth of our experiences with humanity. Only in collective healing and restoration to the balance and respect of all living things, can we survive and thrive on this beautiful Earth, in this beautiful incarnation. Only when we find our way back home to LOVE, can we heal the generations that came before us and the generations to follow. It is our (soul) responsibility to all life and to GOD to give, receive, birth and make love. Our lives are sacred. We are sacred. THIS IS LOVE.


What We Offer

  • Private and group, one to five day, all-inclusive, individual healing retreats in a myriad of  sacred environments customizable to the specific needs of our guests.

  • Customizations can include: Yoga, Sound Bath, Non-Invasive Body Lipo Contour, Cellulite Removal, Face Lift and/or Lymphatic Draining through Mobile Slim Spa, Drumming, Breathwork, Tantric Ceremony, Aromatherapy, Massage, Energy Clearing, Integration, Earth Alters, Reiki, Drama/Writing Therapy, and Sacred Plant Medicine. Customizations to be determined during the registration process.

  • Our temples are saturated in deep and fervent prayer, meditation, water fountains, fire, copal, cedar, sage, sacred stone, and music. We invite the presence of GOD in all of GOD’S names, teachers, glorious manifestations, and our ancestors for guidance, healing, protection, and SHALOM.

  • Retreats include vegan, vegetarian, and or cannabis infused cuisine which are masterfully prepared by our Healing Culinary Chefs. Specific culinary choices will be determined during the registration process.

Sample Itinerary

Day 1 

Arrive at 12:00 pm and Set Up

Intention Talks Between 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm

Ceremony at 3:00 pm

Collective Love Gathering

Silent Meditation with Sound Bowl Healing

Trust Ceremony and Alternative Therapies

Preparing Alters

Music Drumming and Dance Plant Medicine by 7:00 pm


Day 2

Sunrise Yoga at 7:00 am

Breakfast/Brunch 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

Free Time for Customizations, Journaling, etc. 9:00 am to 4:00 pm

Ceremonial Dress Preparation at 4:00 pm

Ceremony at 5:00 pm

Alternative Therapy and Integration

Prayer and Anointing 

Hape/Râpé Plant Medicine 

Silent Meditation with Sound Bowl Healing 

Plant Medicine by 8:00 pm


Day 3

Sunrise Yoga at 7:00 am

Breakfast/Brunch 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

Create Earth Altar to the Masculine and to the Mother at 11:00 am

Gratitude and Goodbye, Passing of Stone, Gifting to Each Other, Integration at 12:00 pm

Depart at 3:00 pm

*Sample itinerary subject to change.

How To Book Your Retreat

To book your retreat, each guest must follow these simple steps

  • Click the “ Book a Retreat” Button to register and fill out our ISLOVE intake form

  • Our Retreats are $800 per person with a non-refundable retreat deposit of $400 per guest is required at registration. Group retreats are $600 with a non-refundable retreat deposit of $300 per guest. Remaining balance to be paid in cash upon arrival or thru PayPal @ ISLOVERetreats@gmail.com

  • No admittance will be permitted unless guest has paid in full prior to retreat. 

  • Prior to your retreat, we will be in contact to review your intake form, discuss options and customizations, answer any questions, and provide additional information such as site location etc.

Preparing For Your Retreat

In preparation for your retreat, there are three things that you’ll need to do over the course of eight days. The cleansing of your body, mind and spirit, the setting of a specific intention, as well as fasting and abstaining from medications*, (with your Doctor’s approval) prior to your ceremony are as helpful in your healing and transformational growth as the setting upon which you experience your emergence. Use the information below as a guide to assist you with these preparations as well as what to wear, bring, and be aware of.

Cleansing of Body, Mind, and Spirit

We recommend starting to detox your body temple eight days prior to your retreat by using bitter baths and sweet baths. This is optional, however the combination of the bitter and sweet plants used in these baths does help with energy cleansing, assisting in healing your energy field, and it deepens your connection to plants. Specifically, bitter baths are used to remove heaviness of the spirit, clear up a foggy mind, and to remove stress or feelings of emotional discomfort. Sweet baths are used to bring in everything which is sweet and loving into your life. Bitter baths should always be followed by an equal number of sweet baths. 

In preparation for your retreat, you will do three days of bitter baths, followed by one day of no bitter bath, followed by three days of sweet baths, and lastly, the day prior to your retreat, no sweet bath. You can order your bitter and sweet baths through a third party by clicking here, or you can make your own by following the instructions located further down this page. You will also find directions for how to use bitter and sweet baths further down this page.

Setting Your Intention

  • Determining your intention prior to ceremony is key to manifesting the intention.

  • Start meditating seven days prior to your retreat on beautiful healing and your intention. Click here for our meditation videos from Piper Dellums.

  • Ask yourself…What are you intending to answer? Intending to see? Intending to understand? Intending to heal? What do you want to let go of?

  • Make your intention a Transformative and Ascending intention…from Darkness to Light…Death to Life…Letting go to Receiving.

  • What is your vision and hope for this medicine healing?

  • Use a writing journal to express your thoughts.

  • FOCUS your intention in LOVE.

  • Do not focus on anyone but YOU. THIS IS ABOUT YOU.

  • We will not discuss anyone else but YOU.

  • The intention is Deeply and Spiritually personal.

  • The ancestors, God, and angels will guide and expand YOU.

  • We will discuss your intention in depth prior to medicine intake so we can guide and hold space for your intention.

Fasting/Abstaining from Medications* 

Start fasting three days prior to your retreat from all caffeine, alcohol, recreational drugs (except cannabis), red meats, egg and salt (except Himalayan and Sea). Drinking plenty of water is also recommended.

* Anyone participating in our retreats, who is taking any kind of medication(s) or pharmaceutical(s) must consult with their doctor about safety and weaning, prior to ceremony. * The day of your ceremony, you may only drink water and herbal teas until after your journey has completed.

How To Make Your Own Plant Baths

As mentioned above, you may choose to make your own bitter and sweet baths, rather than order the ingredients online. You will need to brew a total of three strong cups of bitter bath and three strong cups of sweet bath. Making a little extra is recommended. The bath will resemble a cup of dark tea.

Here are the recommended herbs to purchase:

  • Bitter herbs are tobacco, reina de la noche (angel trumpet flower 2-3 LEAVES ONLY), white sage, and rue. 

  • Sweet herbs are basil, lavender, rosemary, mint, lemongrass, and chamomile.

First, speak with the plants asking for their support. Let them know what your intention is in working with them.

​Next, boil two big pots of water and break up the plants into the pots. Bitter herbs go into one pot and sweet herbs go into the other pot. After the initial boil, let each pot simmer for an hour. Turn off both pots and let them completely cool.

The plant baths tend to keep up to 7 days when refrigerated.

How to Use Bitter and Sweet Baths

To use the bitter and sweet baths, pour one cup of the desired bath into a container before bathing or showering. After bathing or showering and towel drying, speak to the bitter or sweet bath by asking for its support in removing things that are bitter in your life (when doing a bitter bath), or bringing forth things that are sweet in your life (when doing a sweet bath).  Then, slowly pour the bath over your body and let it air dry. Do not towel off the bitter and sweet baths.  

Preparation Summary

  • 8 days prior to retreat, start using bitter bath

  • 7 days prior to retreat, start meditating on intention and healing, journal, and do a bitter bath

  • 6 days prior to retreat, meditate on intention and healing, journal, and do a bitter bath

  • 5 days prior to retreat, meditate on intention and healing, and journal 

  • 4 days prior to retreat, meditate on intention and healing, journal, and do a sweet bath

  • 3 days prior to retreat, meditate on intention and healing, journal, and do a sweet bath, and start to fast as specified above

  • 2 days prior to retreat, meditate on intention and healing, journal, and do a sweet bath, and fast as specified above

  • 1 day prior to retreat, meditate on intention and healing, journal, and fast as specified above

  • Day of retreat, fast as specified above until after your journey has completed

What to Pack, Bring, and Be Aware Of

When packing for your retreat, think simple and comfortable. You’ll want to bring clothes that are appropriate for the season. Temperatures outside can reach the high 90’s in the summer, and low 50’s in the winter. Temperatures inside will be kept at what is traditionally comfortable for most.

We ask that you wear white during both days of ceremony.  To make packing for ceremony easy, please peruse our ISLOVE Boutique where you’ll find beautiful selections of retreat-wear. The proceeds from our merchandise sales help to make our retreats possible and are truly appreciated. 

Although bathrooms are always close by, packing extra clothing in the event of purging during ceremony it’s also recommended in case clothes are soiled. Purging during ceremony is how our bodies release what (if anything) needs to be let go of to aid in our healing. It can happen in many ways… for example, through tears, laughter, vomiting, defecating and or urinating. All are perfectly normal. Some people do not purge at all and this is normal as well.  If needed, we will wash your clothes and return them to you prior to your departure.

Towels, robes and cozy socks are available to use. Please bring your own toiletries such as shampoo, conditioner, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, etc. Lastly, be sure to bring the journal you’ve been using to write about your intention in, as well as a pen.

During your retreat, you are required to stay on property. Additionally, no outside visitors are allowed. Use of cell phones is permitted except during ceremony. Cell phones and car keys are collected prior to the beginning of ceremony and will be returned after ceremony has concluded. 

After your retreat, please be aware the ancestor medicines will continue to heal you for up to fourteen days. You should be very mindful of your thoughts, emotions, and revelations and continue to write about them in your journal. Remain conscientious of placing yourself in any situation where there is negative energy. Examples include certain movies, music, people, and places. Do your best to surround yourself with positive energy. Meditation, beautiful music, and integration of your journey are key after ceremony. We will also make ourselves available to you by appointment.

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