Meet the IsLove Tribe

  • Piper Dellums


  • Lori Davis


  • Laura Watkins


  • Cain Vincent Dyer


  • Geisel Jones


Meet The Sacred Facilitators & Shaman

About Sacred Facilitators & Shaman 

One of the keys to facilitating the most effective healing process is the combination of skilled and well-intentioned healers with experienced and highly trained facilitators. By creating a reassuring atmosphere of safety, support, compassion, and trust on the physical level throughout our retreats; facilitators carry out a vital role supporting the healing process that is being directed on an energetic level by ayahuasca, the plant spirits, and the healers.

Western medicine looks at the physical illness and the cause in the level of the physical only. The Shaman, and plant allies look at the illness as the polarity balance between the spiritual aspects of illness that guide the physical illness to manifest. If we only deal with the physical, then we will need outside medicines, pills, and surgeries to continue to mask the physical illness - or treat its effects. If WE heal the spiritual, physiological, consciousness aspect of illness, we pull its origin root up to heal the body without need of additional medications.