The Journey Dream Center

Culturally holistic, immersive, and interactive living library

The Journey Dream Center provides an immersive experience encompassing health, wellness, science, ascension, collective consciousness, and spiritual and physical evolution. It serves as a world-class museum, educational center, sacred temple, performance space, and public gathering venue, honoring Mother Earth, all life, spirituality, diversity, creativity, healing, and love.

With 10-14 major installations featuring interactive touchscreen walls, the Dream Center offers "immersive environments" showcasing the wonders of life, science, creation, language, spirituality, cultural diversity, indigenous practices, advanced healing modalities, and medical advancements. It explores the significance of nature, elements, flora, fauna, breath, silence, and devotional practices. The center embraces the contributions of individuals from all corners of the earth and highlights the history and innovative uses of plant medicines, as well as the societal and psychological impact of these advancements. The Journey Dream Center will house an immersive sound bath visual dome as part of its structure.