IsLove Music Festivals & Events


ISLOVE Music Festivals & Events

In addition to healing retreats and merchandise sales that allow us to give back to the healing of Humanity, the Earth, and Her Inhabitants, ISLOVE also holds music festivals and events that are aligned with this same purpose. 

These events help to bring awareness and raise money to STOP THE CRIMINALIZATION of MOTHER EARTH by supporting lobbying efforts geared toward the legalization of plant medicine across the United States, as well as supporting organizations and initiatives for abused, trafficked and underserved women of color.

Help Support Our Initiative By Purchasing Decriminalize Mother Earth Merchandise.


Part of the ISLOVE festivals and events lineup will be the PACHAMAMA MUSIC FESTIVAL twice a year; Once in the Summer and once in the Fall.  This festival will gather people under the umbrella of LOVE to galvanize like minded healers, spiritualists, and all interested, into support and awareness of the beauty and benefits of Mother Earth. 

Be A Part Of Our Music Festivals!